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Seasonal Transitions: Tap into Autumn’s Energy for Growth and Renewal

How much attention do you pay to the seasons? In the digital age it is all too easy to disconnect from what is happening around us.

In fact these seasonal changes often affect you more than you realise, causing shifts in our mood and energy levels.

Living in the UK means we are lucky enough to experience distinct seasonal changes. Each season brings its own set of opportunities to help support our physical, mental and emotional health.

I see Autumn as nature’s gentle reminder to slow down. The reminder is very visual - the colours on the tree, conkers, pumpkins everywhere and shorter days. As the world around us changes, it’s the perfect time to pause, reflect, check in with ourselves and reset. It’s a time to take stock of where we are both physically and mentally, as we prepare for the colder, darker months ahead.

Nourishing Your Body with Seasonal Foods

One of the easiest and most impactful ways to adjust to the seasonal transition is through what you eat. Eating seasonally not only supports your body’s nutritional needs but also helps you feel more connected to the natural world around you. In autumn, nature provides an abundance of nutrient-dense, comforting foods that support your health and immune system as the weather cools.

Some key autumnal foods to include in your diet are:

  • Apples: High in Fibre, Vitamin C and Antioxidants, they are perfect for boosting immunity and digestive health.
  • Root vegetables like carrots, parsnips and beetroot: Rich in Antioxidants, Viamins and Minerals, these are perfect for hearty soups and stews.
  • Squash and pumpkins: Packed with Vitamins A and C, they support vision and immune function.
  • Leeks and onions: Both have anti-inflammatory properties that can help protect against seasonal colds.

As the weather cools, we naturally crave warmer, comforting meals. Soups, stews and roasted vegetables provide warmth and nourishment. Including these seasonal foods can also improve your mood, helping you to feel grounded and resilient through the seasonal shift.

Balancing Your Routine with the Season

In addition to changing your diet, autumn is a time to adjust your routine. The longer nights and shorter days often signal our body’s natural rhythm to slow down. Instead of resisting this, try to honour it by focusing on rest and recovery.

Here are a few tips to help adjust your routine for the season:

  1. Embrace the earlier sunsets: Consider going to bed earlier to align with the natural changes in daylight. This can help support your sleep cycle and boost your energy levels during the day.
  2. Start your day with movement: As the mornings grow colder, it’s tempting to stay in bed, but starting the day with a light stretch, yoga or a walk outside can help energise you and shake off any autumnal sluggishness.
  3. Practice mindfulness and reflection. Just as autumn is a time for nature to let go, use this time for the art of self-reflection. Journalling or engaging in meditation can help you process any changes or challenges you’ve faced over the past months, making space for new growth in the coming year.

Boosting Wellbeing with Mindset Practices

Seasonal transitions, especially the shift to autumn and winter, can bring a noticeable change in energy, mood and overall mental health. As the days shorten and temperatures drop, it's common to feel less motivated or even experience symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). However, these transitions can also be powerful opportunities for personal growth and reflection.

One powerful practice is embracing change rather than resisting it. Aligning with nature's cyclical patterns. Just as trees shed their leaves, this is a time for us to reflect on what no longer serves us, whether it's habits, beliefs or even relationships. Letting go creates space for nourishing what truly matters; whether that's self-care, personal development or new projects.

As a Life Coach and NLP practitioner, I help my clients develop mindset tools to boost positivity during these times.

Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques can also help you; shift limiting beliefs, reduce anxiety and create a mindset that supports a healthy, balanced life no matter what the season.


As we move into autumn, take the opportunity to make small, yet impactful changes to your diet, routine and mindset. By embracing the natural flow of the seasons, you’ll not only boost your physical wellbeing and feel more aligned with nature and yourself. But you’ll also navigate this season better and find that it passes quicker.

If you’d like support in navigating this transition with personalised nutrition advice or mindset coaching, contact me for a free discovery call. Let’s work together to help you feel balanced, nourished and ready for the months ahead.

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October 7, 2024

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